Friday, December 17, 2010

Best and Worst Holiday Gifts

Every year there are always those people who decide to wait until the last minute to go holiday shopping. Buying presents for friends and family might seem like a daunting task, but just remember, it doesn't have to be the most expensive item or the flashiest in order to be good. On that note, lets go over the good and the bad to help you last minute shoppers!

Good Holiday Gifts

*Pets!! What better way to celebrate the holidays with a new furry addition to the family??
*Jewelry (but remember it doesn't have to be expensive, something with sentimental value is always nice)
*A homemade video (rated G please) show you care by compiling your special moments with family and friends!
*A massage/manicure and pedicure. Over the year we're all filled stress, what better way to let someone relax and be pampered?
*Homemade desserts. I don't know about everyone else, but getting a fresh batch of cookies, cakes, pies, etc are always a nice treat to have around during the holidays!

Now onto some things you should avoid...

*The ugly holiday sweater. While it may seem like a good idea, stay clear! They're usually always one size too large, extremely scratch, and not fashionable whatsoever
*Gift cards. Yeah we all love them, but sometimes it seems like a generic gift. Everyone likes to feel like they're been thought about for more than five minutes so try to surprise us :)
*A re-gift! Most people always get those random gifts from others and decide to hand it over to the next victim. Please, we all know when it's been re-gifted, and chances are if you didn't want it neither will we.
*Body washes/perfume/cologne. Yes, we all like to smell nice, but in the back of our minds we wonder "Are you trying to tell me something?"
*Workout videos. During the holiday season, sure most of us over indulge a bit, but no one wants to be called out on it with a fitness dvd.

Remember, the holidays are about being around the ones you love! Don't stress about the gifts and just have a good time <3


1 comment:

  1. Hey girls! I just want to say that I LOVE the blog!! Great job!! Looking forward to more posts! =)
