Dear south Florida drivers,
There are laws. You should follow them.
Driving in the rain with no lights on
Running red lights
Making right and left turns without the right of way
Ignoring stop signs
You name it, the drivers down here do it.
Within a couple of minutes on the road, there's a high chance you'll run, almost literally, into a driver who clearly has no idea what he or she is doing on the road.
A driver's blood pressure is significantly higher while on the roads of south Florida because there is no telling what's going to happen next.
South Florida might be the only place where you will see elderly retirees who cannot see past the steering wheel and have no idea where the accelerator is, while also seeing tons of college kids on break going at least double the speed limit all at the same time.
South Florida might also be the only place where you will see a person driving while on their cell phone, foot OUT the window, and doing their hair all at once. It's nice to know that you value your life, but please stay off the roads for all the other drivers who would like to make it from point A to point B in one piece!
Warning: If you're driving in south Florida, be on the look out for the crazed drivers who obviously need to get their license taken away.
Yay, new post! Love it. Glad I live in Central Florida. I might be a bad driver, but I'm not that BAD (I hope lol).