Thursday, March 17, 2011

What's With All the Green?

So today was St. Patrick's day and the sea of green clothing and accessories barfed all over Tallahassee. Maybe it's because I'm not Irish, but I just don't see the point in this holiday. I don't enjoy getting pinched because I refuse to wear green, I don't enjoy seeing drunk people before noon, I don't enjoy the craziness that is DUI checkpoints because people make poor life choices and decide to drink and drive, overall I just don't enjoy this day. Teaches are suggested to give tests so students will think twice about drinking. Well, I wasn't planning on drinking anyways, and as a result I don't not appreciate unwanted tests to correct other peoples foolish behavior.

Don't get me wrong, I really do feel bad for hating on this holiday, but come on... is there really a need for an elaborate celebration? I bet if you went up and asked people randomly what this holiday is actually about that you would probably not get the right answer. People focus too much on the commercialized green beer and less on it's actual significance.

Anyways, that's enough bitching about this topic. Hope everyone who actually enjoys this holiday looked as good as they could in that hideous green and celebrated this day responsibly!


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