Friday, February 25, 2011

Please & Thank You...

They are the magic words. Aren't they?

Am I the only one who learned anything from those shows we watched as kids?

We talk all day long. Can you remember how many times a day you thank someone for something they've done for you or how many times you've said please or asked nicely when you needed a favor?

One of the most frustrating things in life is feeling as though you do things without recognition. I'm not saying we have to be recognized and praised for everything we do... but every now and then a thank you would be amazing. When a friend or teacher or co-worker or parent or sibling or stranger(!) does something nice for you or helps you out with something, make sure you're thanking them. A thank you can go a long way. You are never sure of the day that someone is having but I can guarantee you that if they are thanked for even the littlest of things they have done, that can go a long way in helping make their day that much better.

That cliche treat others how you'd want to be treated comes to mind. No one wants to feel used. No one wants to feel like they're not being thanked for what they're doing or even appreciated for it.

Please & thank are magic words. Use them. Make someone feel like you care about and appreciate what they're doing for you.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for being such amazing people and for sharing your lovely words of wisdom on this blog. Please never stop being awesome.

    A dedicated reader :)
